Article Transfer Service This journal is part of our article transfer service. This means that if the publisher feels that your article is more appropriate in one of our other participating magazines, you may be asked to transfer the article to one of those magazines. If you agree, your item will be automatically transferred on your behalf, without requiring reformatting. Please note that your article will be reviewed by the new magazine. More information. An area of 57 m2/g comes from the BET analysis in Table 1. For cu (0.1) -ZnS, the area decreases to 38 m2/g as particle size increases due to the presence of Cu. The addition of the coloring matter increased the specific area for ga (0.1) -ZnS and Ga (0.1), Cu (0.01) -ZnS. This is in line with the results of XRD and FESEM. On the other hand, a decrease in the specific area is observed when the samples had a greater amount of cooker. It can be assumed that the excess Cu on the surface of the catalyst led to the decrease in surface area. For applications related to the submission of articles (including electronic filing, if available), please visit the home page of this journal.

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